Enhancing the Spotlight - November BONUS
3 years ago
— November BONUS Spotlight Hours —
Bonus for all 4 days will be 2x Transfer candy and 2x catch XP
Friday, November 26 — Kanto Rattata
Saturday, November 27 — Sableye
Sunday, November 28 — Pikachu
Monday, November 29 — Beldum
This is a special edition of Enhancing the spotlight. There will be 4 bonus spotlight hours in November. As always we included in this edition a concise PvP breakdown on IVs to target and how much to prioritize grinding for XLs during these bonus spotlight hours which occur between 12pm and 1pm local time.
GO Stadium has an excellent IV rank checker to show how your Pokémon is ranked, and you can adjust for any way you obtain the Pokémon. The website is linked in the terms section at the bottom along with some helpful explanations of common Pokémon GO phrases if needed.
— November 26 — Kanto Rattata Spotlight —
Rattata: Normal - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 734
Raticate: Normal - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1730
Weaknesses: Fighting
Resistances: 2x Ghost
Evolution Costs: 25 Rattata Candy > Raticate
2nd Charge Move Costs: 25 Rattata Candy & 10k stardust
LC: Rattata: 1/15/15 level 27
GL: Raticate: 2/15/15 level 35.5
XL Priority: Low
Shiny: No
Mega Evolve: Lopunny, Pidgeot
PVP Considerations
At the current moment, there are no PvP considerations here. Rattata can be extra small, which can help with your Youngster badge, but did you ever find Youngster Joey to be challenging in the main series games? I didn’t think so. There is only so much a top tier Rattata can bring you. Bragging rights? Sure, you can tell all your friends about it. Wins? Not so much. As per usual, try and keep a good IV Raticate in the storage just in case it ever gets buffed.
— November 27 — Sableye Spotlight —
Sableye: Ghost/Dark - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1668
Weaknesses: Fairy
Resistances: 2x Normal, 2x Psychic, Fighting, Poison
2nd Charge Move Costs: 75 Sableye Candy & 75k stardust
Purified 2nd Charge Move Costs: 60 Sableye Candy & 60k stardust
Shadow 2nd Charge Move Costs: 90 Sableye Candy & 90k stardust
GL: Sableye: 0/15/15 level 49.5
GL: Purified Sableye: 3/14/15 level 48
GL: Shadow Sableye: 0/15/15 level 49.5
XL Priority: High
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Gengar, Gyarados, Houndoom, Absol
PVP Considerations
This is the type of Spotlight Hour you’ve been dreaming of. Not only does each Sableye come with 750 dust a catch (get your starpiece ready!), but Sableye is one of the best Pokémon in Great League and requires Candy XL to reach its maximum potential. This is your best chance ever to gather Sableye Candy XL, so take full advantage if you can. Sableye is typically at its best as a Purified Pokémon in order to use Return, so chances are you won’t be IV hunting this Spotlight Hour. Instead using this time to gather the Candy XL needed to build either an XL Purified Sableye with Return, or alternatively an XL Shadow Sableye should that be something you want to build!
— November 28— Pikachu Spotlight —
Pikachu: Electric - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1060
Raichu: Electric - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 2467
Weaknesses: Ground
Resistances: Electric, Flying, Steel
Evolution Costs: 25 Pikachu Candy > Raichu
2nd Charge Move Costs: 25 Pikachu Candy & 10k stardust
LC: Pikachu: 1/15/15 level 21
GL: Raichu: 0/15/14 level 26
UL: Raichu: 15/15/15 level 50
XL Priority: Medium
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Ampharos, Manectric
PVP Considerations
Raichu is a solid PvP Pokémon, mainly at the Great League level where it gives you a solid but unspectacular Electric type. If you want either form of Raichu (Kanto or Alolan) for Ultra League, you will need a lot of Candy XL to get it there. However, can you think of a time you were ever short on chances to hunt Pikachu? They are around at almost every event, sometimes with a brand new hat! This Spotlight Hour might be a good one to skip, unless you need those Pikachu Candy XL badly, are hunting for the shiny, still lack a good IV Great League Raichu, are working on your Pikachu fan medal, or have some other reason to participate.
— November 29 — Beldum Spotlight —
Beldum: Steel/Psychic - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1104
Metang: Steel/Psychic - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1946
Metagross: Steel/Psychic- 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 4286
Weaknesses: Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ground
Resistances: 2x Poison, 2x Psychic, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel
Evolution Costs: 25 Beldum Candy > Metang > 100 Beldum Candy > Metagross
2nd Charge Move Costs: 75 Beldum Candy & 75k stardust
Shadow 2nd Charge Move Costs: 90 Beldum Candy & 90k stardust
GL: Metang: 0/13/15 level 38
GL: Metagross: 2/15/15 level 14.5
UL: Metagross: 0/15/13 level 24.5
ML: Metagross: 15/15/15 level 50
XL Priority: High
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Slowbro
PVP Considerations
Here’s another Spotlight Hour, like Sableye, that is sure to energize the player base. This one needs little explanation: Metagross is one of the best Pokémon in Master League and one of the best Pokémon for PvE/Raiding, and one where many players will love any chance they can get to gather Candy XL to max out their Metagross. If you are free on a Monday afternoon, time to stock up on some Beldum Candy XL!
— Terms —
Spawn rate = How fast Pokémon will show up in a giving time
XP = Experience Points
CP = Combat Power
Pinap = Gives you twice the candy for catching
Silver pinap = Gives you twice the candy for catching and boost to help catching
Stacking = Keeping multiple research rewards to be used later
IVs – Individual Values
Mega Evolve = Pokemon when mega evolved will help gain extra candy
STAB – Same type attack bonus
META – Most effective tactics available
PVE = Player vs Environment – (Raiding/Gym Battles)
PVE - IVs = Individual values for Raiding – as close to 15/15/15 as possible
PVP = Player vs Player
PVP - IVs = Individual values for battling – usually low attack and high defense/stamina
Fast Move = Move used to gain energy for charge move
Charge Move = Move shown on the screen that energy is gained to use
GBL - GO Battle League
LC = Little Cup 500CP and lower
GL = Great League 1500CP and lower
UL = Ultra League 2500CP and lower
ML = Master League unlimited CP