Enhancing the Spotlight - January 2022
3 years ago
— January Spotlight Hours —
January 4 — Solosis — 2x Candy for Transfer
January 11 — Diglett — 2x Stardust for Catching
January 18 — Plusle — 2x Candy for Catching
January 25 — Minun — 2x Candy for Transfer
In this edition we will include a concise PvP breakdown on IVs to target and how much to prioritize grinding for XLs during the weekly spotlight hours which occur on Tuesdays between 6pm and 7pm local time
GO Stadium has an excellent IV rank checker to show how your Pokémon is ranked, and you can adjust for any way you obtain the Pokémon. The website is linked in the terms section at the bottom along with some helpful explanations of common Pokémon GO phrases if needed.
— January 4 — Solosis Spotlight —
Bonus: 2x Candy for Transfer
Solosis: Psychic - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1546
Duosion: Psychic - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 2282
Reuniclus: Psychic - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 3309
Weaknesses: Bug, Dark, Ghost
Resistances: Fighting, Psychic
Evolution Costs: 25 Solosis Candy > Duosion > 100 Solosis Candy > Reuniclus
2nd Charge Move Costs: 50 Solosis Candy & 50k stardust
LC: Solosis: 0/14/15 level 14
GL: Solosis: 9/15/15 level 50
GL: Duosion: 0/15/13 level 28
GL: Reuniclus: 2/15/15 level 19
UL: Reuniclus: 0/13/14 level 34.5
ML: Reuniclus: 15/15/15 level 50
XL Priority: Low
Shiny: No
Mega Evolve: Slowbro
PVP Considerations
At the current moment, there is nothing to consider. No members of the Solosis family have any relevance in PvP. As per usual, stock up on a good IV version for each league just in case Reuniclus ever gets better moves in the future.
— January 11 — Diglett Spotlight —
Bonus: 2x Stardust for Catching
Diglett: Ground - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 764
Dugtrio: Ground - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1760
Weaknesses: Grass, Ice, Water
Resistances: Poison, Rock, 2x Electric
Evolution Costs: 50 Diglett Candy > Dugtrio
2nd Charge Move Costs: 50 Diglett Candy & 50k stardust
Shadow 2nd Charge Move Costs: 60 Diglett Candy & 60k stardust
LC: Diglett: 2/15/14 level 29
GL: Dugtrio: 0/14/15 level 44
XL Priority: Low
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Steelix
PVP Considerations
At the current moment, there is nothing to consider. Stock up on a good IV Dugtrio for Great League and a good IV Diglett for Little League in case there are moveset updates in their future.
— January 18 — Plusle Spotlight —
Bonus: 2x Candy for Catching
Plusle: Electric - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 2010
Weaknesses: Ground
Resistances: Electric, Flying, Steel
Evolution Costs: N/A
2nd Charge Move Costs: 50 Plusle Candy & 50k stardust
LC: Plusle: 0/14/8 level 11
GL: Abomasnow: 0/15/15 level 24
XL Priority: Low
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Ampharos, Manectric
PVP Considerations
Plusle and Minun have the exact same moveset options, but Minun has the advantage in stat product at the Great League level due to having more defensive-oriented stats. This means Minun is generally preferred in PvP, if you wanted to use one of the two that is. Stock up on a good IV version of Plusle if you would like to future-proof yourself, but otherwise focus on Minun next week instead.
— Janaury 25 — Minun Spotlight —
Bonus: 2x Candy for Transfer
Minun: Electric - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1915
Weaknesses: Ground
Resistances: Electric, Flying, Steel
Evolution Costs: N/A
2nd Charge Move Costs: 50 Minun Candy & 50k stardust
LC: Minun: 0/12/15 level 11.5
GL: Minun: 0/15/14 level 38.5
XL Priority: Low
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Ampharos, Manectric
PVP Considerations
Minun is an interesting Electric type at the Great League level. Its biggest selling points are its above average bulk, and its access to Grass Knot for coverage against Ground-types. This allows Minun to do things few Electrics can do, such as have win conditions against the Water/Ground types (i.e. Mudbois). Alolan Raichu tends to fill this role better due to having access to Volt Switch, Thunder Shock, Thunder Punch, and Wild Charge to pair with Grass Knot, all of which Minun is lacking. However, Minun does have better bulk than the glassy Alolan Raichu. We would suggest stocking up on a good IV version of Minun if you don’t have one yet.
— Terms —
Spawn rate = How fast Pokémon will show up in a giving time
XP = Experience Points
CP = Combat Power
Pinap = Gives you twice the candy for catching
Silver pinap = Gives you twice the candy for catching and boost to help catching
Stacking = Keeping multiple research rewards to be used later
IVs – Individual Values
Mega Evolve = Pokemon when mega evolved will help gain extra candy
STAB – Same type attack bonus
META – Most effective tactics available
PVE = Player vs Environment – (Raiding/Gym Battles)
PVE - IVs = Individual values for Raiding – as close to 15/15/15 as possible
PVP = Player vs Player
PVP - IVs = Individual values for battling – usually low attack and high defense/stamina
Fast Move = Move used to gain energy for charge move
Charge Move = Move shown on the screen that energy is gained to use
GBL - GO Battle League
LC = Little Cup 500CP and lower
GL = Great League 1500CP and lower
UL = Ultra League 2500CP and lower
ML = Master League unlimited CP