December Spotlight Hours | Enhancing the Spotlight
King Ducks Pool
3 years ago
— December Spotlight Hours —
December 7 — Electabuzz — 2x Candy for Transfer
December 14 — Magmar — 2x XP for Evolving
December 21 — Snover — 2x XP for Catching
December 28 — Cubchoo — 2x Candy for Catching
In this edition we will include a concise PvP breakdown on IVs to target and how much to prioritize grinding for XLs during the weekly spotlight hours which occur on Tuesdays between 6pm and 7pm local time.
GO Stadium has an excellent IV rank checker to show how your Pokémon is ranked, and you can adjust for any way you obtain the Pokémon. The website is linked in the terms section at the bottom along with some helpful explanations of common Pokémon GO phrases if needed.
— December 7 — Electabuzz Spotlight —
Bonus: 2x Candy for Transfer
Electabuzz: Electric - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 2639
Electivire: Electric - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 3481
Weaknesses: Ground
Resistances: Electric, Flying, Steel
Evolution Costs: 100 Electabuzz Candy + Sinnoh Stone > Electivire
2nd Charge Move Costs: 75 Electabuzz Candy & 75k stardust
Shadow 2nd Charge Move Costs: 90 Electabuzz Candy & 90k stardust
GL: Electabuzz: 2/14/15 level 24
GL: Electivire: 1/15/15 level 18
UL: Electabuzz: 5/15/15 level 49.5
UL: Electivire: 1/15/15 level 30
ML: Electivire: 15/15/15 level 50
XL Priority: Low
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Ampharos
PVP Considerations
Electabuzz’s evolved form, Electivire, is a solid but unspectacular Pokémon in PvP. It has seen a bit of play in all three leagues (Great, Ultra, and Master), although is typically outshined by Magnezone (which has a similar role but with a more valuable Steel typing). That being said, don’t underestimate Electivire and what it could provide to your PvP teams. You’ll want to have one in the bag for all three leagues in case you ever want to use it. Electivire typically runs Thunder Shock and Wild Charge, and pairs that with one of Ice Punch or its exclusive move Flamethrower. Both have merit, and you might want one of each in your bag to be fully prepared for any situation you might be considering Electivire. Electivire will be able to learn Flamethrower again on December Community Day, so this Spotlight Hour is a perfect chance to have one ready to evolve for the event, should you not have one yet.
Electabuzz is useable in Great League but is generally worse than Electivire. It does not learn Wild Charge and does not have either of Electivire’s strong coverage options, which means it is pretty safe to not worry about having a good Electabuzz in the bag for Great League.
— December 14 — Magmar Spotlight —
Bonus: 2x XP for Evolving
Magmar: Fire - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 2706
Magmortar: Fire - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 3541
Weaknesses: Ground, Rock, Water
Resistances: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel
Evolution Costs: 100 Magmar Candy + Sinnoh Stone > Magmortar
2nd Charge Move Costs: 75 Magmar Candy & 75k stardust
Shadow 2nd Charge Move Costs: 90 Magmar Candy & 90k stardust
GL: Magmar: 2/15/12 level 23.5
GL: Magmortar: 0/10/15 level 18
UL: Magmar: 2/14/15 level 48.5
UL: Magmortar: 1/15/15 level 29.5
ML: Magmortar: 15/15/15 level 50
XL Priority: Low
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Charizard X/Y, Houndoom
PVP Considerations
Magmar’s evolved form, Magmortar, is alright in PvP but has never really seen significant play. It has the potential to play a role in all three leagues (Great, Ultra, and Master) and might be worth having one in the bag for each just in case you want one. It has an interesting moveset, running one of Fire Spin or Karate Chop as its fast move. Karate Chop is an interesting option that helps Magmortar stand out from other Fire types, and the move has similar stats to Vine Whip and Powder Snow. For charge moves, Magmortar typically runs Fire Punch and its exclusive move Thunderbolt. Psychic instead of Thunderbolt is an option, but Thunderbolt helps Magmortar cover its weakness to Water types more effectively and is generally preferred (just keep it away from stuff like Swampert that resists Electric). Magmortar will be able to learn Thunderbolt again on December Community Day, so this Spotlight Hour is a perfect chance to have one ready to evolve for the event, should you not have one yet.
Magmar happens to be the favourite Pokémon of one of the article authors, so what’s there not to love? I’ve been asked to be extra kind to the Spitfire Pokémon, so I will say that it is slightly bulkier than Magmortar in Great League, which is nice. It does not have access to coverage moves Thunderbolt or Psychic, but instead can learn the mighty Return if purified. What’s not to love? ..... Seriously though, don’t use Magmar :P.
— December 21 — Snover Spotlight —
Bonus: 2x XP for Catching
Snover: Grass/Ice - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1311
Abomasnow: Grass/Ice - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 2670
Weaknesses: Bug, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Rock, Steel, 4x Fire
Resistances: Electric, Grass, Ground, Water
Evolution Costs: 50 Snover Candy > Abomasnow
2nd Charge Move Costs: 50 Snover Candy & 50k stardust
Shadow 2nd Charge Move Costs: 60 Snover Candy & 60k stardust
LC: Snover: 2/15/11 level 17
GL: Abomasnow: 0/15/15 level 24
UL: Abomasnow: 3/15/14 level 50
XL Priority: High
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Venusaur, Abomasnow
PVP Considerations
It might go without saying that Abomasnow is a strong Pokémon in Great and Ultra League. If you’ve played GO Battle League or other community battle formats, you’ve likely run into plenty of them. You will want to have one for both leagues. Abomasnow requires Candy XL for Ultra League, so if you don’t have enough this is a good time to stock up. You will also want to consider Shadow Abomasnow for both leagues. You won’t be able to catch Shadow Snovers during the Spotlight hour, unless you happen upon a rocket that gives one. Instead, this could be a good time to stock up on Candy XL for that Ultra League Shadow Abomasnow. Abomasnow almost always runs with the moveset Powder Snow, Weather Ball, and Energy Ball. It also learns Razor Leaf, Outrage, and Blizzard, should you be looking to mix things up a bit, but we don’t recommend it unless you find a specific meta that calls for any of these.
— December 28 — Cubchoo Spotlight —
Bonus: 2x Candy for Catching
Cubchoo: Ice - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1208
Beartic: Grass/Ice - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 3439
Weaknesses: Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Resistances: Ice
Evolution Costs: 50 Cubchoo Candy > Beartic
2nd Charge Move Costs: 50 Cubchoo Candy & 50k stardust
LC: Cubchoo: 0/15/11 level 18.5
GL: Beartic: 0/15/12 level 18.5
UL: Beartic: 0/15/13 level 31.5
XL Priority: Low
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Abomasnow
PVP Considerations
Beartic is currently….. not good in PvP. I can’t really sugarcoat this, as its lack of bulk really holds it back from seeing a role. It has some decent tools; Powder Snow and Charm as fast moves, and Surf, Ice Punch, and Play Rough as charge moves. There was once a Silph Cup called Catacomb Cup where Dark types reigned supreme and there was a complete lack of Charm users. And even there, when Beartic was one of the only Charm users in the meta…. It was pretty much a liability to any team running it. Don’t be that person, don’t be tempted by the ice bear. If anything, have good IV versions in the Pokébag for all three leagues, just in case it ever finds a niche or receives a moveset buff.
— Terms —
Spawn rate = How fast Pokémon will show up in a giving time
XP = Experience Points
CP = Combat Power
Pinap = Gives you twice the candy for catching
Silver pinap = Gives you twice the candy for catching and boost to help catching
Stacking = Keeping multiple research rewards to be used later
IVs – Individual Values
Mega Evolve = Pokemon when mega evolved will help gain extra candy
STAB – Same type attack bonus
META – Most effective tactics available
PVE = Player vs Environment – (Raiding/Gym Battles)
PVE - IVs = Individual values for Raiding – as close to 15/15/15 as possible
PVP = Player vs Player
PVP - IVs = Individual values for battling – usually low attack and high defense/stamina
Fast Move = Move used to gain energy for charge move
Charge Move = Move shown on the screen that energy is gained to use
GBL - GO Battle League
LC = Little Cup 500CP and lower
GL = Great League 1500CP and lower
UL = Ultra League 2500CP and lower
ML = Master League unlimited CP